Save up to 15 % off your electric bill thanks to the long-term lease of a premium solar power plant

Electricity 5–15 % cheaper

Long-term energy savings of up to 2 mil. CZK

FREE installation, operation, and service

We’re here to do all the work, your job is to save time and money

Lease for the minimum of 20 years

Guarantee of attractive prices for the entire lease period

Solar power plant worth 750 thousands–10 million CZK

Plant power output ranges from 30 to 500 kWp

Going green is a great PR move for your business

Switching to green energy will lower your carbon footprint

The Jarošov Brewery has leased a solar power plant and therefore produces the greenest beer in the Czech Republic.

  • A 35 kWp power solar power plant
  • The total of 116 Canadian Solar panels
  • Sungrow inverter
  • The power plant covers 29 % of energy use in production
  • Cheaper electricity guaranteed for 20 years
  • Project completed within 10 months
Our goal is to produce the first carbon-neutral beer in the Czech Republic. There is no Czech company able to ensure more smooth and professional cooperation than Atlantis.
Martin Pacovský, Member of the Board of Directors of the Jarošov Brewery

Atlantis is a leader in renewable energy

We are an EPC contractor and a member of the Solar Association with a team of 20 professionals, who all have over 15 years of experience in the energy industry. Keeping the health of our planet in mind, we base our work on precision, quality, and cost-efficiency. We use cutting-edge technologies, high quality materials, and sophisticated procedures.

Contact us

Get in touch to consult your project!

Let us green up your life!